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中世纪欧洲是怎么处理像是希腊神话这种影响深远的异端信仰的? - 知乎


中世纪欧洲是怎么处理像是希腊神话这种影响深远的异端信仰的? - 知乎



  例如这样:• first, Jove as fire: this is why he is called Zeus in Greek – Zeus in Greek can mean either life [zen] or heat [zein – to seethe, boil], either because they mean that all animate things have vital fire, as Heraclitus holds, or because this element is hot;• second, Juno as air, which is why she is called Era in Greek; and although they ought to have made air masculine, nevertheless she is the sister of Jove for this reason, that these two elements are very much associated with each other, so she is the wife of Jove too, because air, when it is wedded with fire, blazes.Fulgentius, Mythologiae 1.3[1]

  又如这样:(1) Those whom pagans declare to be gods are revealed once to have been men, and, in line with each one’s life and achievements, they began to be worshipped after their death amongst their own people – like Isis among the Egyptians, Jupiter amongst the Cretans . . . (9) amongst the Greeks Cecrops . . . was the first to call upon Jupiter, discover statues, set up altars, sacrifice victims, when that sort of thing was unheard of in Greece. . . . (34) Jove is named after helping [juvando] and Jupiter is the sort of helping father [juvans pater], i.e. there for everyone. They also gave him the personal title of Jove Optimus [best], despite the fact that he committed incest with his family and sexual outrages on others. (35) They sometimes depict him as a bull because of the abduction of Europa – he was in a ship whose sign was a bull; sometimes he is supposed to have sought congress with Danae through golden rain – so you can understand that the virtue of a woman has been corrupted by gold; sometimes in the form of an eagle because he snatched a boy to abuse him.Isidore, Origines 8.11[2]


  Ken Dowden. (2006). Zeus. London. (pp.117-128讲述了宙斯/朱庇特在基督教时期的情况)




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